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“Kamuflage.ru” online shop operates with observance of regulations made by the current Civil Code of the Russian Federation, consumer protection laws and other acts of law and regulations.

The warranty for men’s clothing, backpack, vests, headwear, thermal underwear, underwear and other brand products of “Kamuflage.ru”

  1. “Kamuflage.ru” shop (hereinafter referred to as the Seller) sets out the warranty period for “Kamuflage.ru” brand products – 3 (three) months which begins from the date the buyer received the goods.
  2. If a product was purchased by a customer in the offline shops, and the moment of purchase and handing over the product to the customer is the same, the warranty starts from the date stated in the purchase receipt or cash voucher.
  3. If a product was purchased online, the warranty starts from the date of shipping the product (irrespective of the delivery method used). The buyer needs to keep all the documents confirming the purchase (such as money transfer receipt, courier cash voucher, waybill etc.)
  4. If the buyer does not have documents confirming the product delivery date, warranty starts from the product purchase date – the moment of payment transfer.
  5. The buyer loses his/her right to raise claims against the product quality, if it is impossible to determine the origin of the product (e.g. a brand tag is lacking)
  6. The buyer loses his/her right to raise claims against the product quality, if the product underwent any kind of alterations (changing the model, accessories etc.).
  7. According to article 18 of “Consumer Protection Law” (hereinafter referred to as the Law), the Seller is entitled to request a product quality assessment. The expert assessment is carried out within the time limit prescribed by the Law (articles 20, 21, 22).
  8. The warranty period for seasonal clothes is calculated from the onset of the respective season. The onset of the season is regulated by local legislation bodies and determined by constituent entities (regions) of the Russian Federation, based on regional particular climatic conditions.
  9. The warranty does not cover premature wear, tear of defects caused by rough handling.
  10. The warranty is not enforceable, if the revealed flaws (defects) appeared due to the circumstances the Seller or manufacturer could not have the direct influence over. Consequently, they could not hold responsibility for them.
  11. If the case is recognized as non-warranty, according to the results of the product quality expert assessment, the customer is obliged to reimburse the expertise, storage and transportation costs which is prescribed by the Law (article 18).
  12.  The buyer is entitled to raise claims against the Seller or manufacturer regarding the revealed flaws provided that they were discovered within the warranty term.
  13. If the flaw(s) emerged after the validity period though within the first two years of using the product, the buyer can make a claim to the Seller (manufacturer), according to the Law. However, the buyer has to prove that the defect is due to the manufacturer’s fault.
  14. The warranty is not enforceable, if the defect appeared as a consequence of improper use or storage (f.e. mold formation, rot processes, cuts, visible marks of thermal or mechanical influences).  In this case the manufacturer disclaims any liability for the product damage.

The warranty for the products of third-party manufacturers sold by “Kamuflage.ru” shops

  1. “Kamuflage.ru” shop (hereinafter referred to as the Seller) sells the products of third-party manufacturers who are responsible for setting out the warranty period for their products.
  2. The warranty terms and shelf life of similar products by different manufacturers may vary.
  3. If the warranty terms and shelf life are not specified, the relevant regulations of the RF consumer law come into force (in particular “The Consumer Protection Law”, article 18).
  4. The buyer is entitled to raise claims against the Seller or manufacturer regarding the revealed flaws provided that they were discovered within the warranty term.
  5. If the flaw(s) emerged after the warranty validity period was over, the Seller does not bear any responsibility for this, and the buyer can make the claim directly to the manufacturer.
  6. If the product defect was revealed within the warranty period, and the case is recognized as warranty by the Seller, the buyer has the right for free product replacement, cash reimbursement, free repair of the defect at the cost of the Seller, OR the buyer can claim a refund.
  7. The warranty is not enforceable, if the revealed flaws appeared due to the circumstances the Seller or manufacturer could not have the direct influence over. Consequently, they can not be responsible for them.
  8. The warranty is not enforceable, if the defect appeared as a consequence of improper use or storage (f.e. mold formation, rot processes, cuts, visible marks of thermal or mechanical influences).  In this case the manufacturer disclaims any liability for the product damage.
  9. The warranty period for seasonal clothes and footwear is calculated from the onset of the respective season. The onset of the season is a territorial indicator, and is regulated by local legislation bodies in accordance with regional particular climatic conditions.


  • Дмитрий Николаевич Литвинов 29.01.2022 15:05:16
    Добрый день! По заказу номер 166358, есть неточности по 2м наименованиям: 1. Магазин двойной патрульный для АК, пришли без съемных перегородок внутри. 2. Лента контактная 2,5 см жесткая часть - я заказывал цвет олива, а вместо нее мне пришла бежевая, практически белая. Не знаю как написать вам имейл, чтобы приложить фотографии. Что теперь делать? Товар был оплачен в полном объеме. С ув. Дмитрий Л. Ответить
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  • Александр Александрович Чупрынов 17.05.2021 16:13:02
    Заказал костюм Горка-3. Размер в размерной линейке (44-46, 48-50 и тп) не соответствует реальному размеру. Заказал 44-46/164-170 (при этом в заказе указал мерки (рост 170, обхват талии 79, обхват груди 98). В итоге менеджер даже не стал напрягаться, чтобы объяснить клиенту, что для моих размеров нужен 40-42/164-173. Все бы ничего - оформил возврат, отправил посылку, ее получили 30 апреля и вот уже 17 мая меня кормят баснями ... ОТВРАТИТЕЛЬНО РАБОТАЕТЕ ТОВАРИЩИ! Верните хотя бы деньги тогда. И за почтовые услуги тоже, потому что в правилах магазина указано, что если клиент прислал мерки, то ответственность за не подошедший размер лежит на магазине. Ответить
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  • Александр Александрович Чупрынов 24.05.2021 15:51:41
    Вопрос решен. Спасибо! Ответить
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  • Ирина 28.02.2021 13:14:28
    Здравствуйте. Берцы куплены 10 дней назад. Надевали 1 раз. Внутренний вкладыш одном берце из жесткой кожи. В другом берце тонкая мягкая замша (как тряпочка). При носке заметна разница. Звонила в официальное представительство Гарсинг в Москве. Ответили, что это брак, на производстве не проверили. Возможен ли обмен в течение месяца? Ответить
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  • Камуфляж Ру 01.03.2021 11:27:15
    Ирина, здравствуйте!
    Безусловно возможен обмен или возврат товара.

    С Уважением,
    Камуфляж Ру Ответить
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